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Monday, June 21, 2010

Somebody Please Send Me A Piece Of Cheescake!

We had a very long night last night. After spending a wonderful weekend in the Berkshires which is in Massachusetts, hubby and I drove home and ran smack dab into some serious NYC traffic. It was Father's Day and we wanted to make it back in time to have dinner with the kids and grandma. Well, that did not happen. After we finally made it back home, we were just too exhausted to head back out and really didn't want to be bothered with the dinner crowd. With two small children, a 20 minute wait can feel like eternity.

Sir Cole went to bed just fine at first but was disturbed later in the night as we were preparing for bed. He awoke with yet another night tantrum which is becoming all too regular. It was hard to put him back to bed and finally by about 1:30 a.m. he went down. Afterwards, I was unable to rest easy and finally settled down around 3 a.m. Did I mention that we usually rise about 7 a.m.? I shower before hubby leaves puffy eyes and all. While I walked around the house with one eye open guess who was fast asleep in his crib? Yep, Sir Cole. So yes, I awoke pretty cranky. I even missed my weekly treadmill training class. Things didn't get any better today until the kids and I took a trip to our village pool. The cool water washed my attitude away as I played with the kids. The sun was blaring and we all left a shade or two darker. However, I still need someone to send me a piece of cheesecake from Juniors. This is one thing I miss about moving out of Brooklyn. Here is the website in case you want to make my day. I only eat the cherry cheesecake. The tanginess of the cherries are the best!

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