My hair after baby #2 - Summer 2008
As I was getting dressed this morning, I heard a tease on the Today Show about mom hair. What in the world is that, I wondered? I missed the actual episode but thanks to modern technology, I found the segment on TODAYshow.com. I have heard so many talk about how they've let themselves go after having a baby. Me? Aside from wearing jeans on a daily basis, I have not let myself go. I've actually stayed pretty fly the entire time. If you've seen me looking a bit disheveled, best believe it wasn't because I purposefully decided to nix my hair appointment. It was probably because my sitter called off or something out of my control occurred. I rarely miss a salon appointment. I even have two stylists. One in Manhattan for special occasions, color, and cut who I have been with for at least 5 years. The other is for weekly maintenance and within minutes of my home. They both know about one another so I'm not cheating. I have even taken my two children with me over the last few visits because our new sitter wasn't available on salon days. I do not believe in taking children to a hair salon but a sistah has to do what a sistah has to do sometimes.
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During the Today Show interview, the mom's featured said they don't have time for themselves and their hair is what was sacrificed. What? Another said that hair is an advertisement for what is going on inside of us. Another said it is unfair pressure on mothers to be "hot moms" because of what magazines are telling us how women should look. What people need to understand is that yes, Vanessa Williams and J. Lo are going to look fabulous every time you see them. Why? Because they have a makeup artist, hair stylist, clothing stylist, and plastic surgeon (for some) who are on the payroll to make them feel this way. Duh! I would be flawlessly fly on a daily basis too if I could afford to pay someone to make me up daily. However, the average mom doesn't have this entourage waiting on them hand and foot, but you can still get a regular cut, conditioner, and/or cut every 6 to 8 weeks.
During my first pregnancy my hair was full and extremely healthy. I had pressed and curled it for three years after marrying in 2003. I even pressed & curled it years before the wedding. I did lose a bit around the edges which many women do after giving birth. I was on maternity leave from December 16, 2005 - April 15, 2006. I returned to work but after six months of working, I decided to leave my job on December 17, 2006 and have been home ever since. The day after I became a stay at home mom, I cut my hair. I cut it ALL off.

Dessert Party - December 2009
I felt a bit out of control because of the situation I found myself in and never planned to be a SAHM. A good friend once said that if you feel out of control, cut your hair. I did and loved it. I was back in control. I have since whacked it off a few times after and am sporting a short, flirty doo now. Minus the gray that can be seen better with a short doo, I'm loving it!
My advice to moms is to wear it any way or length you feel. As long as it's clean, healthy, and makes you feel fly, rock it!

My hair w/in the last two weeks.

If you're going to go short, keep it trimmed for a healthy look! You never know who's watching, like your husband or your daughter who wants to be like you when she grows tall!
Love the hair...very cute!!!