She wants a motorcycle and a scooter, both pink of course, but I want her to have a dollhouse. I'm trying to find the perfect one for my ever so curious and creative almost five year old. We have recently begun the transformation from toddler room to "Big Girl" room and I am constantly trying to update her boudoir. The color scheme is purple, pink, green, (grandma is a Delta so I had to mix it up a bit after I found myself buying too much pink and green. No offense AKA's) and white so we have plenty of colors to choose from. As both her birthday and Christmas nears, we are busy deciding what she will receive from us/Santa. I'm not sure if she truly believes in Santa only because she hears about the big guy on TV and at school. She does know that all but one of her Christmas gifts comes from family and one comes from Santa. We didn't start the belief in Santa but we aren't squashing it just yet either. I never believed in him and I don't think Daddy did either.
As for the dollhouses, I have narrowed it down to these below.
This KidKraft Savanna Dollhouse retails for $90.00 at Walmart.I'm not sure why the designer put the bathroom on the ground floor and the dining room on the 2nd floor. Maybe I can change this...
Kidcraft Chelsea Dollhouse retails for $80.97 on I like it butmy daughter is pretty tall for her age and I don't want her scrunching down while playing.I think the elevator sold me on this one.
What girl doesn't want an elevator in her home?
Retails for $139.54 at Walmart.
If you have a dollhouse suggestion, please share it with me. Christmas is just 26 days away!
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