Mommy Articles/Links

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What We're Reading This Week - "Back to Bed, Ed!"

"Back to Bed, Ed!" is one of the cutest, and timely books I could have selected from our local library. This book is about a mouse who doesn't like to stay in his room. He loves getting ready for bed which is identical to our nighttime routine: playtime, have a drink, brush the teeth, take a bath, read a story and kiss everyone goodnight. But once the lights are off, guess who gets out of bed? You guessed it! However, our little mouse, Cole, is still in his crib so he can't get out of the bed yet. Thank goodness he has never tried to climb out. I've heard stories of relatives and friend's children climbing out. Now that I think of it, our daughter never tried either. The only difference between Ed and our son is that our son goes to sleep. He just doesn't stay sleep. In the past few weeks he has awakened anywhere from 2 - 4 times each night. Why? Once he dropped his toy train that he sleeps with. Another time he was thirsty so I gave him ice water. We have no clue what's really going on. Some have said it could be his 2 year old molars coming in. This makes the most sense because the moment he drank the ice water he went right back to sleep.

With all that's going on at home I think I'm learning to get by on just 5 - 6 hours of sleep these days. However, it was a great feeling to nap with the kids during the thunderstorm yesterday. My daughter is afraid of the thunder so that was the perfect excuse for me to cuddle up in our King sized bed with my two children for an afternoon nap. SO needed.

"Say Hello!" by Rachel Isadora is what my 4.5 year old daughter is reading this week. My husband read this book so I can't give personal feedback on the story. However, this book caught my eye because of the cover. Even if a person isn't bi-lingual I think everyone should at least know how to say hello in several languages. Carmelita, the main character, is shown walking her dog through her neighborhood which is filled by people from so many different cultures. Just like the inside cover states, this book emphasizes the rich diversity of America's neighborhoods. We live in a pretty diverse neighborhood so this book is perfect for her. Ciao!

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